We manufacture men’s, ladies’ and children’s hats and caps for the local and international market. We supply retail stores, government, corporates, schools and other diverse headwear markets with a wide range of formal or funky fashion hats and caps, corporate and promotional headwear, sports hats, baseball caps and military hats.

Andy Caps

Try me on

Baseball Hats

Try me on

Bucket Hats

Try me on

Felt Hats

Try me on

Safari Hats

Try me on


Try me on

Straw Hats

Try me on


Try me on


We aim to form longstanding relationships with our customers. Some of our current customers date back to 1974!


Carmi Hatters (Pty) Ltd manufactures hats and caps for every occasion and purpose.
Established in 1974, Carmi Hatters is the largest South African family owned and operated headwear manufacturing and wholesale production company.

Daloo Mistry


Arun Mistry


Jitesh Mistry

Chief Operating Officer


We manufacture men’s, ladies’ and children’s hats and caps for the local and international market. We supply retail stores, government, corporates, schools and other diverse headwear markets with a wide range of formal or funky fashion hats and caps, corporate and promotional headwear, sports hats, baseball caps and military hats.


Since 1974, Carmi Hatters has pushed the limits on what is considered affordable headwear without compromising quality. Having manufactured millions of specialised hats and caps over the years, we are confident that most of the locally produced headwear you see in South Africa have been made by us. We pride ourselves on delivering top quality custom headwear and providing excellent customer service.

We constantly source new ideas and trends and offer an end-to-end service.

Our factory in Aeroton, Johannesburg spans 5,000m² and our production has the capacity to deliver >1,000 hats a day – depending, of course, on the complexity of design.

Come directly to Carmi Hatters: